Roberto Milton Scheffel authoredRoberto Milton Scheffel authored
Exception.php 3.84 KiB
namespace SmartData\Exception;
require_once( __DIR__ . '/HTTP.php');
require_once( __DIR__ . '/Logger.php');
use SmartData\{Config, Logger, HttpStatusCode};
interface IException {
/* Protected methods inherited from Exception class */
public function getMessage();// Exception message
public function getCode();// User-defined Exception code
public function getHTTPCodeError();
public function getFile();// Source filename
public function getLine();// Source line
public function getTrace();// An array of the backtrace()
public function getTraceAsString();// Formated string of trace
/* Overrideable methods inherited from Exception class */
public function __toString();// formated string for display
public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0);
abstract class CustomException extends \Exception implements IException {
protected $message = 'Unknown exception';// Exception message
private $string;// Unknown
protected $code = 0;// User-defined exception code
protected $http = 400;// HTTP error code
protected $file;// Source filename of exception
protected $line;// Source line of exception
private $trace;// Unknown
public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0) {
if (!$message) {
throw new $this('Unknown '.get_class($this));
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function __toString() {
return get_class($this)."> {$this->file}:{$this->line} > {$this->message}\n";
public function getHTTPCodeError() {
return $this->http;
class BadRequestException extends CustomException { protected $http = HttpStatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; }
class BadCredentialsException extends BadRequestException {}
class UnauthorizedException extends CustomException { protected $http = HttpStatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED; }
class NotImplementedException extends CustomException { protected $http = HttpStatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; /*NOT_IMPLEMENTED;*/ }
class PreconditionFailed extends CustomException { protected $http = HttpStatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED; }
class InternalException extends CustomException { protected $http = HttpStatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; }
class InvalidUnitException extends BadRequestException {}
class AuthenticationException extends UnauthorizedException {}
class NoMatchingSeriesException extends BadRequestException {}
class NoMatchingTrackersException extends BadRequestException {}
class CreationFailedException extends BadRequestException {}
class AttachmentFailedException extends BadRequestException {}
class InsertionFailedException extends BadRequestException {}
class RequestFailedException extends BadRequestException {}
class CantCreateException extends \Exception {}
// TODO: change this register shutdown function to better file
function check4fatal() {
$error = error_get_last();
if (!is_null($error) && ($error["type"] == E_ERROR && Config::config()::FATAL_ERROR_REPORT)) {
$signature = $error["type"].$error['file'].$error['line'];
$signature = str_replace('/', "\\", $signature);
$filename = Config::config()::FATAL_ERROR_DIR.$signature;
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$error_log = "[".date("Y-m-d h:i:s")."] File: {$error['file']} ({$error['line']}) ";
$lines = explode(",", $error['message']);
$error_log .= "Message: {$lines['0']}";
$m = "Dear admin, a fatal error occurred on the IoT server.\n\n";
$m .= $error_log."\n\n";
$m .= "Best Regards,\n\nSV3";
//mail(implode(", ",Config::config()::ADMIN_EMAIL), '[IoT/SV3] Fatal Error', $m);
file_put_contents($filename, $m."\n", 0);