<?php namespace SmartData\Config { // CAUTION: Pay attention to changing these parameters require_once( __DIR__ . '/SmartData.php'); use \SmartData\SmartData; class Config_Common { const MYSQL_SEVERNAME = 'localhost'; const MYSQL_PORT = 3306; const MYSQL_USERNAME = 'smartdata'; const MYSQL_PASSWORD = '1ol31lSh010mG9wY'; const MYSQL_SUPERUSER = 'smartdata_admin'; const MYSQL_SUPERPASS = '6wg5fbB5fOIuzXcW'; const CASSANDRA_SERVERNAME = 'localhost'; const CASSANDRA_PORT = 9042; const CASSANDRA_SUPERUSER = 'cassandra'; const CASSANDRA_SUPERPASS = '12a06-fs'; const CASSANDRA_MAX_ROW_SIZE = 2000000000; // (Two billion - The max is 2^31) const POINTS_LIMIT = 86400; // maximum amount of points to retrieval // 86400 corresponds to a half day with resolution of one second const ADMIN_EMAIL = array('root@lisha.ufsc.br'); const PUBLIC_DOMAIN = 'public'; // default domain (public series) const DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'public'; // cassandra default user (PUBLIC) const DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'public_12a06-fs'; // cassandra default user's password const TIMEZONE = 'America/Sao_Paulo'; const HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED = false; const DEBUGGED = array( 'SmartData\Backend' => self::HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED || false, 'SmartData\Credentials' => self::HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED || false, 'SmartData\SmartData' => self::HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED || false, 'SmartData\Series' => self::HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED || false, 'SmartData\Unpackable' => self::HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED || false, 'SmartData\Logger' => false, ); const LOG_FILE = '/smartdata/log/api.log'; const BUFFERED_LOG = true; const FATAL_ERROR_REPORT = true; const FATAL_ERROR_DIR = __DIR__.'/fatal_error/'; const ACCESSIBLE_WITHOUT_SSL = array( self::PUBLIC_DOMAIN ,'hydro' ,'tutorial' ); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | V.1.0: This was the first version after we atopped using KairosDB as a platform | | V.1.1: This version has the same API of version 1.0, however the structure and | | the DataBase design are totally different. The dev number works fine in this version | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public const VERSION_1_0 = (1 << 4) | (0 << 0); public const VERSION_1_1 = (1 << 4) | (1 << 0); public const DEFAULT_VERSION = self::VERSION_1_1; public const DEVELOPMENT = PHP_INT_MAX; private const _VERSIONS = array ( self::VERSION_1_0 => '/api/v1_0/', self::VERSION_1_1 => '/api/v1_1/' ); private const _CERT_GW_LISHA = 'A7B64D415BD3E97B'; public static function api_version() { global $__FORCE_VERSION; if(isset($__FORCE_VERSION)) return $__FORCE_VERSION; //switch (REQUEST_CERT) { // case self::_CERT_GW_LISHA: // return self::VERSION_1_1; // default: break; //} foreach (self::_VERSIONS as $version => $url_pattern) { if(self::check_version($url_pattern)) return $version; } return self::DEFAULT_VERSION; //default version } private static function check_version(string $version) { global $FORCE_VERSION; return (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']??$FORCE_VERSION??'', $version) !== false); } public static function pre_init() { define('REQUEST_HTTPS' , (($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ?? false) == 'on')); define('REQUEST_CERT' , (REQUEST_HTTPS and ($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY'] ?? false) == 'SUCCESS')); define('REQUEST_SERIAL', (REQUEST_CERT) ? @$_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL'] : ''); define('REQUEST_URI' , isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])?strtok(basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]),'?'):'{local}'); define('REQUEST_DBG' , ('HTTP'.((REQUEST_HTTPS)?'S':'').':'.REQUEST_URI.' crt:{'.REQUEST_SERIAL.'}')); } public static function init() { date_default_timezone_set(Config_Common::TIMEZONE); } } Config_Common::pre_init(); ## Configuration of API version 1.0 ############################################### class Config_V1_0 extends Config_Common { //const HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED = true; const MYSQL_DBNAME = 'smartdata'; const CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE = 'smartdata_1'; const CONFIDENCE_ASSIGNER = __DIR__ . '/confidence_assigner/assigner0'; protected const _MYSQL_TABLE = array ( SmartData::STATIC_VERSION => 'series', SmartData::MOBILE_VERSION => 'series' ); } ## Configuration of API version 1.1 ############################################### class Config_V1_1 extends Config_Common { const HYSTERICALLY_DEBUGGED = true; const MYSQL_DBNAME = 'smartdata_v1'; const CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE = 'smartdata_v1'; protected const _MYSQL_TABLE = array ( SmartData::STATIC_VERSION => 'series', SmartData::MOBILE_VERSION => 'trackers' ); } ################################################################################### switch (Config_Common::api_version()) { case Config_Common::VERSION_1_0: class MetaConfig extends Config_V1_0 {} break; case Config_Common::VERSION_1_1: class MetaConfig extends Config_V1_1 {} break; default: die ("Bad API version!\n"); } trait ConfigGetters { public function MySQL_Table($version) : string { if(isset(self::_MYSQL_TABLE[$version])) return self::MYSQL_DBNAME.'.'.self::_MYSQL_TABLE[$version]; else die ("Unable to select mysql table\n"); } } Config_Common::init(); } namespace SmartData { class Config_Common extends Config\Config_Common {}; class Config { public static function config(){ switch (Config_Common::api_version()) { case Config_Common::VERSION_1_0: return new class() extends Config\Config_V1_0 { use Config\ConfigGetters; }; break; case Config_Common::VERSION_1_1: return new class() extends Config\Config_V1_1 { use Config\ConfigGetters; }; break; default: die ("Bad API version!\n"); } } }; }