import filecmp import json import os import sys from client import SmartDataContextAPIClient CLIENT_CERTIFICATE="client.pem" CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEY="client.key" API_URL="https://web/" # Create a new SmartDataContextClient, passing a custom URL for the API and the certificates to access the domain # The parameter verifyCertificate allows using self-signed certificates for development and test environments. # Should not be used in production ideally client = SmartDataContextAPIClient(cert_file=CLIENT_CERTIFICATE, key_file=CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEY, url=API_URL, verifyCertificate=False, logfile="requests.log") # To find all SmartDataContext associated with the vehicle smartDataContextForSources = client.findSmartDataContext(smartDataSources=['a3edc4456f']) print(f"Retrieved SmartDataContext for a3edc4456f: {len(smartDataContextForSources)} \n {json.dumps(smartDataContextForSources, indent=2)}") if len(smartDataContextForSources) != 3: sys.exit(1)